FRIDAY PRACTICE || Over the years, I have found some simple reflective practices have been transformative for how I move through life. They help me know myself better and integrate new insights into my ways of living. Some are formal spiritual practices from the Christian tradition, some are informal but help me connect more deeply with God or my truest self.

I am not one to be super regimented about practices. I tend to pick one and lean into it for a while. Then, as my needs or the season changes, guided by the Spirit I move on to a different practice.

The practices I return to again and again seem to fall into five categories:


On Fridays, I will offer guidance on different practices for you to try and incorporate into your life as you are moved by the Spirit. We will rotate through the different categories as a way of stimulating your imagination for what is possible and what might serve you in this season.

Today we start with BREATHE.

This is how you practice a simple breath prayer:

1. Take a deep breath in and release it slowly.

If you like, close your eyes.
Take a deep breath in and release it slowly.
Repeat until you notice your body relax and your heart rate slow.
What else do you notice happening in your body as you breathe deeply?

2. If you like, add a word or phrase in time with your breathing.

You might use a simple word like calm, peace, or wisdom as you inhale, name what you desire. Or time the words "Come Lord" with your inhale and "Je-sus" as you exhale. Feel free to use whatever words are meaningful to you in the moment, or none at all.

3. Be attentive to the One who calls you Beloved.

Remember, you are in God's presence.
This God delights in you and calls you beloved. Rest in that knowledge for a few moments.
4. Gently end the prayer.

When you are ready, simply open your eyes.
If you feel inclined to stretch, please do so.
If so moved, you may offer a simple "thank you" in gratitude for this moment of calm.


129 | Feeling stuck?


127 | FRIDAY PRACTICE–NOTICE || Attending to Your Body