Give your community the gift of cultivating guilt-free, shame-free practices that lead to vitality and renewal

With Jeanne’s keynotes, your audience will learn how to take their rest from forced and desperate to deep and nourishing.

K E Y N O T E S | W O R K S H O P S | R E T R E A T S | P O D C A S T S

A few moments of sanctuary is all it takes

The pressures of daily life have a knack for pulling us in all sorts of directions. In the chaos, we often forget that by giving our hearts and brain a chance to slow down, even in the simplest of ways, we can experience the renewal we truly need — no matter what’s going on in our lives.

Speaker Reel

Corporate Events

Invite Jeanne to lead an interactive session or workshop so your team knows what it takes to flourish in their roles despite the busy nature of their days. 

Virtual Events

From podcasts to virtual summits, Jeanne has lead conversations on rituals + routines, spiritual wellness, and learning to make better decisions by listening deeply.

Faith-Based Events

Let Jeanne help members of your church or organization translate spiritual knowledge into practices that renew their connection with God and to their calling.

Book Jeanne for your next event!

If you want to help your audience deeply connect with themselves and those around them, bring in Jeanne to delight and inspire.

“The content was well paced … with good humor and opportunities for people to contribute from their own experience and lived wisdom”

-Pastor Ali Ferin, St. Michael’s Lutheran Church

Hi, I’m Jeanne Hartfield

A spiritual mentor of over 20+ years who helps *women feel renewed in seasons of change and challenge

The reality is: life doesn’t hit the pause button when change and challenge emerge. Emails still need to be returned. Family still expects you to be present. Work engagements are still on the calendar. 

There are still demands and expectations placed on you, and it can be hard to navigate intense seasons in the midst of trying to do everyday life.

In my keynotes, I help *women juggling “all the things” notice where their mouth is saying yes but their body and emotional capacity are saying no, so they can lead well and serve well in any calling they take on next.

Signature Keynote

A Reservoir Mindset: Feel Renewed in Seasons of Change and Challenge 

“I just need to make it through this [week, month, project, deadline, crisis]. Then, I’ll be okay.” 

Be honest: how many times have you told yourself this lie — and sincerely believed it? We know it’s a lie, because the moment “THEN” arrives, another set of circumstances takes its place. 

The fatigue of moving from one competing priority to the next can feel debilitating, especially when your mind or body forces you to a screeching halt. 

But navigating hardship doesn’t have to feel this way. In this session, we’ll explore how embodying intentional thoughts and practices equips us to thrive in any season of change or challenge that comes our way. 


  • Understand the key mindset shift needed to move you from reactive to thoughtfully responsive in the midst of busyness and heightened pressures

  • Learn to integrate the Reservoir Mindset framework into your regular everyday routines so your reserves are full when seasons of drought come

  • Jump-start your new reality by claiming a realistic plan (one that honors your capacity) to make it possible

Other Signature Topics

Navigating Change | Rituals + Routines for Wellbeing | Burnout + Prevention Recovery | Spiritual Health

  • Listening Deeply to Make Life-Giving Decisions

    If only making a weighty decision were a simple as a pros and cons list

    Instead, the tendency is to let our minds run wild, asking “What if?” or “What about?” over and over again. This kind of thinking rarely drives us to a decision — it only drives us to the brink of overwhelm.

    Fortunately, another approach exists. One that alleviates the fear and hesitation associated with making a “wrong” choice that might lead us down the “wrong” path.

    In this keynote, Jeanne will reshape your view on decision-making so it becomes less of something to hesitate on, and more of an opportunity for intentional growth and greater self-confidence.


    • Discover an interactive process for gaining clarity and taking action in a way that is life-giving (vs. life-depleting)

    • Hone your skill of weighing multiple perspectives without getting caught in the spiral of self-doubt

    • Learn how to seamlessly translate this decision-making process to your personal life, family, team, group, or organization

  • Spiritual Practices for Centering + Renewal

    It’s hard to resist a constant ‘go, go, go’ mindset, perpetually moving forward and focused on what’s next

    The problem with running full-speed ahead for too long? You’ll leave yourself behind without even realizing.

    That kind of breakneck pace is unstainable. What’s worse is, it’ll cause you to overlook important cues that reveal what you truly need to leverage the moment in front of you.

    This keynote shares simple practices to make space to slow down and just be, and as a result, become more present and attentive in everyday life.


    • Recognize the signs of burnout or a state of autopilot — and how to gently transition out of it

    • Learn 7 spiritual practices to feel renewed and recentered, and how to choose which one will serve you best in the season you’re in

    • Discover how to integrate these practices rooted in contemplative Christian theology, with or without a faith lens

  • Hidden Burdens: Lightening the Load in Seasons of Change and Challenge

    Life’s shifts and transitions, even the good ones, can feel like lugging around a heavy mental load

    That’s because whether it’s just for a season or for a lifetime, adjusting to a “new normal” often involves a steep learning curve.

    Sometimes, the learning curve is manageable on our own. Other times, it causes a subtle unease to sneak into our lives, leaving us unsure about what it is, why it’s there, or what to do about it.

    This keynote gives you practical strategies to lighten your load for the next season ahead, so you can move forward carrying less on your own.


    • Understand the the factors that either help us or hinder us from navigating a transitional season with calm, clarity, and resilience

    • Learn to identify the “5 Buckets of Change and Challenge” we all face and how they impact us in different ways

    • Discover practical strategies to lighten the load of change and challenge, depending on which bucket(s) you’re carrying

Official Bio

Jeanne Hartfield (pronounced ‘Jean’) is passionate about helping others feel renewed in seasons of change and challenge. 

With over 20 years of ministry experience as an ordained Lutheran pastor and spiritual mentor, Jeanne has guided thousands of *women to act with intention in their personal life and relationships. 

Jeanne is well-versed in ancient practices of spiritual wellbeing and translates them to the realities of being a working mom and business owner in the modern-day world.

Booking Inquiry Process
Let’s talk about how I can serve your speaking needs.