127 | FRIDAY PRACTICE–NOTICE || Attending to Your Body

How often do we take our bodies for granted? Or push them to (or beyond) their limits? Or downright neglect them?

How often do we appreciate the gift of our body? Consider her with wonder? Awe at the ways she has carried us through the adventures and ordinary days of our lives?

Today we use the practice NOTICE to attend to our bodies. 

1. Pause

Take a moment to pause, to breathe deeply, to let your heart rate slow.

2. Notice your body

With gentleness, slowly scan your body from head to toe, fingertip to fingertip. 

What is she telling you? 

What goodness can you name?

Where do you experience discomfort—physically, spiritually, or emotionally?

What does she need?

3. Reflect

How can you tend your body with compassion today?

This week?

In this season?

Why Friday Practice?

Over the years, I have found some simple reflective practices have been transformative for how I move through life. They help me know myself better and integrate new insights into my ways of living. Some are formal spiritual practices from the Christian tradition, some are informal but help me connect more deeply with God or my truest self. The practices I return to again and again seem to fall into five categories:







126 | Spring Cleaning