As life’s disruptions come, there’s sanctuary to be found

Rest, in theory, sounds delightful…

But how often do we withhold ourselves from emotional and spiritual nourishment out of overwhelm, obligation, a mental state of “auto-pilot,” intense seasons, or simply feelings of shame? Through Cultivating Sanctuary®, my deepest desire for you is to claim God’s desire for you — living in wholeness and abundance. Here, you’ll discover how to create rest and renewal you can always draw from within the rhythm, pace, and structure of your life.

Hi, I’m Jeanne Hartfield

Cultivating Sanctuary came out of a pivotal 2018, when the floodgates were opened 

I faced the joy (and struggle) that comes from reshaping our lives after the adoption of our daughter. I grieved the loss of my dad after losing him to pancreatic cancer. And after 16+ years of serving as an ordained pastor at my Lutheran church, longtime stable staff and close colleagues were suddenly retiring.

These events and the sheer volume of change left me completely exhausted. There came a moment when I realized that even though I cared for people well, my heart wasn’t in it.  That’s when I knew I was burnt out. I slowly transitioned into a sabbatical and eventually confirmed it was time to leave my role altogether.

(Life is funny … after years of healing and discernment, I’ve since been called back to serve — that’s a story for another day.)

Change and challenge are inevitable. Why is it then, that we’re resilient in some seasons, but weary in others?

It was in 2018 that I noticed something:

Eight years prior, I had gotten married and then my mom died a week later. I dealt with infertility and miscarriage. I even went through treatment for breast cancer. Yet despite those demanding seasons, I cultivated practices, rhythms, and key relationships that held me through them.  

My overarching conclusion? Burnout is the worst. Life can feel relentless. But if change and challenge are bound to come, we can remain steadfast when we build space for rest and renewal  — by embodying a Reservoir Mindset.

I wouldn’t have those words or imagery until much later, but I knew my calling was empowering *women to cultivate theirs.

You can live fully, regardless of what’s happening around you

Also, you can do so in a way that doesn't have “toxic positivity” written all over it. Whether you’re in a strenuous season, anticipating one, or recovering from one; whether you’re in the midst of transition or discerning your next step; whether you want to release self-sabotaging practices or nurture life-giving ones; whether you’re wrestling the Christian faith or defining your version of it  — this is Cultivating Sanctuary. This space is for you.

One more thing I should mention, and this is important:

Spiritual hunger, curiosity, and remodeling are all encouraged

Even though I claim a progressive Christian faith and an expansive view of Jesus, to share in this space, you don’t have to. Faith system or no faith system, I believe love is love, families look different, and you get to decide what a relationship with God or the spiritual looks like for you. You are welcome here and you are enough.

Get to Know Me

Creative at heart 

I enjoy cooking, swimming, and making things beautiful. 

Wife & mom

When I married Andrew, I became an instant step-mom and grandma. We share life together along with our 9-year-old daughter Tillie, in Hudson, WI. 

Seeker of sanctuary

Through my 20+ years of pastoring and  spiritual mentoring, it’s been an honor to walk alongside women to discern what sanctuary looks like to them.

Coffee mug collector

I love bringing home coffee mugs from my travels as a daily reminder of my meaningful adventures.


Discover the Cultivating Sanctuary online workshops

A thoughtful curation of practical insights to help you actively create space for rest and renewal.

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