129 | Feeling stuck?

FEELING STUCK? || A while back I was feeling stuck so I turned to an activity that is often helpful for clearing the path to unstuck. I cleaned out my closet.

The key is I did it differently this time. In the past I would pull everything out and touch each piece like the experts recommend. The problem is that would create a giant mess in our bedroom that would leave me feeling even more stuck and overwhelmed.

This time I shopped my closet, only taking out the things I would buy now and things I really love and feel great in. Once that was done, I bundled up the rest to donate or dispose of as appropriate. Then my closet was ready to reset what was staying.

The beauty of this process was that I didn’t get overwhelmed because:
I didn’t pressure myself to do it in one day
I gave myself freedom to change my mind
I followed a process that made sense for me.

Why does this matter?

It’s good to understand yourself and what you need to get unstuck.

The right way is the way that works best for you.

🌱 In what way(s) are you feeling stuck?
🌱 What helps you get unstuck?


130 | Wednesday Coffee || Episode 1
