119 | Setting the Table

I used to think of setting the table as a chore; but on occasion, this routine task is transformed.

This past weekend, we had dinner guests both Saturday and Sunday nights. I deeply enjoyed setting the table, though differently for each evening. Saturday was more festive and fancy. I used my mom’s china, silver, crystal, and linens. Sunday was more casual and homey. In literally preparing the table to receive guests, we also set a tone, an intention. As I worked, I pictured who would be gathered. Our intention in setting the table was to create and hold space for connection, laughter, and delighting in the gift of friendship.

Whether we are followers of Jesus or not, there is something beautiful about intentionally holding space for someone or something as Christmas is upon us and the new year arrives quickly on its heels.

What might it look like and feel like to set the table for…

  • Gentle joy

  • Honoring our weariness or grief

  • Laughter

  • The beauty of imperfection

  • Good intentions not fully executed

  • A moment to breathe deeply

  • Rest

  • The grace and love of God incarnate in a humble child—Immanuel, God With Us

This morning I “set the table” for peace. In the early morning darkness and quiet, I sat by the fire with the Christmas lights on. I lit the four candles of the Advent wreath and gave myself time and space for God’s peace to quiet my heart and the feelings of urgency around getting things done that had started to emerge the last few days.

As I sat and breathed deeply, I could feel my heart rate slow; and this line from “O, Holy Night” grounded me:

A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices…

Yes. In the midst of the hubbub and preparation, I am reminded to set the table for that this Christmas.

Reflection Questions

How might you “set the table” in these coming days?

How and for what/whom might you hold space in a spirit of hospitality and welcome?


120 | Reservoir


118 | Listening Deeply