117 | Letting Go to Make Room

What’s the best way to make space for what matters most in this season? ⁣

⁣Let go. ⁣
Let go of what feels like a burden.⁣
Let go of aspirational pictures of how things should go.⁣
Let go of unrealistic expectations for yourself and others.⁣

⁣Years ago, I got it in my head that for gifts I was going to make homemade marshmallows and pair them with my favorite hot chocolate mix. ⁣

⁣I could picture the whole thing—how I would package them, how delicious they would be, how I would add a new skill to my caramel-making expertise.⁣

⁣One problem . . . they were a total flop. ⁣

⁣Maybe I didn’t choose the easiest recipe. Maybe (certainly) I didn’t allow myself enough time because I waited until the last possible minute.⁣ Absolutely I had put a ridiculous amount of pressure on myself to fulfill the vision I had in my head.⁣ Probably I didn’t cook them to the right temperature.⁣

They were a sticky gooey mess. In a fit of frustration and tears, I threw them into the garbage.⁣

⁣Then, I let go. I made a backup plan. No one knew the difference because they didn’t know about the visions of homemade marshmallows dancing in my head.⁣

⁣One of my favorite things to do at Christmas-time is to make homemade caramels for loved ones.⁣ Last year, there was one problem. I was winding up my time at the church I had served for 18+ years and I was ready to be done. I didn’t have the energy or bandwidth for a lot the traditions I usually love—including making caramels. So I didn’t. I let it go. I took the pressure off and created space for what I needed: more down time, more rest.⁣

Guess what I’m doing this year from a place of renewed energy and joy? I’m making caramels for my loved ones. I even tried making marshmallows again. They are delicious, but I think I’ll let that go and stick with caramels.⁣

✨ In the comments, tell us one thing you can let go this season to make room for what matters more.⁣

⁣Need help deciding? It’s not too late!
Download our free guide Intentional Holidays: Live the Love of the Season, Not the Stress of the Season.


118 | Listening Deeply


116 | A Gift to My Future Self