116 | A Gift to My Future Self

I’m spending the day after Thanksgiving in my favorite way…slow paced, coffee, leftovers in lieu of cooking, getting outside.

I also did one thing as a gift to my Thanksgiving 2022 self: I did a quick recap of what worked and what I’d do differently next year.

Yesterday was the most low stress and relaxed Thanksgiving Day that I can remember and I really enjoyed my people. Now that I know it can be done, it’s my goal to make it even more so next year by prepping more things early.

To make that easier, I’m going to spend some of my recliner relaxation time today typing up the recap and shopping list. Then, when I get home, I’ll print them out and put them in a binder with the recipes and call it good. My future self will be so grateful that her mental load has been greatly reduced.

Reflection Questions

✨ What do you want to capture from yesterday as a gift to your future self?

✨ How are you spending today?


117 | Letting Go to Make Room


115 | INSPIRED: November