FRIDAY PRACTICE Release || What mindset or persistent thought is not serving you in this season?

We have a sign in our kitchen that reads “Don’t believe everything you think.” It is so easy to revert to a way of thinking that no longer serves you in this season–or maybe never really served you well, but it was too ingrained to notice.

One mindset that I’m working on releasing is the belief that everything has to be just so in my physical environment for me to do certain things.

For me to do creative work on my desk computer, the office needs to be tidy and I need the exact right beverage (sometimes coffee, sometimes a cappuccino, sometimes . . .).

For me to do bigger cleaning or home organizing projects, I need the house to myself.

For me to cook dinner, the kitchen needs to be clean.

Is it helpful if these are the conditions in which I’m working? Yes, of course.
Is it essential for these conditions to be in place for me to do creative work, or organize, or cook? No, absolutely not.

Need help figure out what mindset or thoughts are getting in your way? Look for the sticky places in your life and relationships. Where are you feeling stuck? Where do you feel conflict or resistance in yourself? Where do you feel conflict or resistance in your relationship or interactions with someone else?

Then ask yourself:

🌱 What mindset is not serving you in this season?
🌱 What persistent thought or pattern is getting in the way of your well-being?
🌱 What would it feel like in your body, mind, and spirit to release that mindset or those thoughts?


164 | Recovery Day


162 | Name What You Need