FRIDAY PRACTICE EXAMEN || Four questions to reflect on connection and disconnection

The Examen is a prayerful reflection on the events of the day (week, month, or year) . The Examen helps us to:

+Recognize where God is present and active

+Reflect on what God’s movement is stirring in you

+Prayerfully consider how to respond

How do we do that???

+Set aside 15 minutes at some point in the day to reflect on the previous day, week, or month.

+Get comfortable. Choose a place where you can settle in and be relaxed. You may want to light a candle as a reminder of God’s presence.

+Seek the guidance of the Divine. Ask God to guide your awareness of the events and interactions of the previous day, week, or month..

+Use reflective questions to become aware of our consolations (what connects us to God, others, and ourselves) and our desolations (what disconnects us from God, others, and ourselves).

+Give thanks for whatever you have experienced and ask for God’s continued presence and guidance.

For this Friday Practice with The Examen, let’s reflect on the ways we are connecting or disconnecting with others using the following questions:

🌱 In what situations/conversations were you able to connect more deeply with others?

🌱What situations/conversations left you feeling disconnected from others?

🌱With whom do you need more space?

 🌱With whom do you desire deeper connection?

Set aside some time this weekend to practice The Examen and let me know how it goes for you.


148 | Wednesday Coffee || Episode 8


146 | Release the Rules, Focus on the Relationship