Cultivating Sanctuary

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137 | Doable Intentions

DOABLE INTENTIONS || The holiday season is upon us once again. This is the time of year when I used to have aspirational intentions. I used to dream grand dreams of all the things I could do to make everything picture perfect only to fall short in the execution because I overestimated how long and how much energy everything would take . . . and, also, life.

Now I am all about doable intentions for the holidays. I want to gather on Thursday for Thanksgiving and not feel like we’re scrambling to get everything on the table. My soul craves the quiet way Advent rituals invite us into the promise and story of the season, a sense of anticipation for the coming of Emmanuel, God With Us. I want to get to Christmas and the New Year and be able to be fully present to my people in whatever we are doing.

How about you?
What would an intentional holiday look like for you?
What would you prioritize?
What would you release?

Not sure? Let me guide you through the process of figuring it out.

Take a minute to download our FREE GUIDE “Intentional Holidays: Live the Love of the Season Not the Stress of the Season”.

Then block out 20 minutes to walk through the steps. You can do this on your own or in conversation with your people or a friend.

Discover how you can be well this holiday season, living the love of the season not the stress of the season.