FRIDAY PRACTICE BREATHE || When I’m stressed or have a lot on my mind, I’ll catch myself holding my breath.

What I notice first is tension or tightness in my back or that I’m keeping my shoulders raised. Obviously I’m still breathing, but because I’m holding my body more tightly my breathing changes. It feels shallower, less nourishing.

When I catch myself doing that, a deep breath feels good but a strong exhale is what releases the tension and allows everything to flow more freely.

This week, pay attention to your different breathing patterns. Notice what happens in your body as you hold your breath or as you exhale, as you exert yourself or rest.

🌱 How do you breathe when you are feeling stress or tension?
🌱 What kind of breathing invigorates you?
🌱 What kind of breathing helps you claim calm and peace?


139 | Wednesday Coffee || Episode 5


137 | Doable Intentions