105 | What are your cues?

A dear friend recently observed, “When I get detail fatigue, I know something needs to change.” ⁣

⁣What a gift it is to ourselves—and those around us—to recognize our cues for when we are getting worn down or experiencing a more intense life disruption. The earlier we notice our cues, the sooner we can make adjustments that allow us to manage our energy and make intentional choices about how we’ll spend it. In that situation, my friend was able to arrange an impromptu vacation to just lay low long enough to give her brain and body a chance to rest and recharge. She claimed her agency to be well in an intense season.⁣

⁣Here are a few of my cues that I need to make some adjustments in how I’m dealing with with all the moving parts of our lives:⁣

  • I wake up in the night and struggle to fall back asleep.⁣

  • I make to-do lists that are completely unrealistic in their scope given the time available.⁣

  • I feel like our home is in complete disarray.⁣

  • I feel overwhelmed and want to take a nap to make it all go away.⁣

In truth, those cues mean I’m over-functioning and running up against my own limits. They are like the light coming on in my car saying that refueling has become an urgent matter.⁣

I suspect that many of us would be well served by noticing earlier cues that our resources are being depleted. For me, those earlier cues might include:⁣

  • I more often give into the impulse to get take out instead of cooking what I had planned.⁣

  • Simple decisions feel hard. ⁣

  • My work life overlaps with family time more frequently.⁣

  • I avoid simple tasks.⁣

Noticing these cues gives me an opportunity to make some adjustments, before I begin to over function, by asking:⁣

  • What most needs my focus and energy?⁣

  • What can I take off my list to release the pressure I’m feeling?⁣

  • What does my body and spirit need for me to function well?⁣

Reflection Questions

What are your cues that you are running on empty?⁣

What earlier cues could prompt you to make adjustments in a busy or stressful season?⁣


106 | The False Promise of Busyness


104 | Bucket List