089 | Inspiration: Community Garden

📸: Kristin Bloxham, 2021

📸: Kristin Bloxham, 2021

📸: Kristin Bloxham, 2020

📸: Kristin Bloxham, 2020


From time to time I’ll share in this space about people and projects that inspire me by creating space for renewal and healing in the world. ⁣

⁣In 2019, my friend Kristin, her husband, and their two young boys created a community garden in their front yard. It was a way to connect with and serve their physical neighbors and their neighbors in the Jesus sense. They planted the garden and posted a sign inviting people to gather, take, and enjoy produce that was ripe or ready. They as a family would also gather produce as it was ready and deliver it to a nearby food shelf.⁣

⁣It was a bit of an experiment at the start because they weren’t sure how people would respond, but it bore fruit. They added a second raised garden bed in 2020 and, because the need is so great, a third this spring. ⁣

⁣Kristin and I were also colleagues at my former church. I remember her telling us about this project during our staff devotions and being so moved by the beauty and simplicity of it; but I was also moved by their imagination for how they as a family could participate in the healing of the world starting in their own little corner. ⁣

⁣🥕 They saw a need: People who rely on the food shelf have limited access to fresh produce. ⁣

⁣🥒 They asked good questions that sparked imagination: What can we do? How can we do this as a family?⁣

⁣🌽 They tapped into abilities and interests they already had.⁣

⁣🍅 They entered in as neighbors and partners, not saviors. ⁣

⁣🥬 They took a chance. They were willing to try something and learn what worked and what didn’t.⁣

This garden is also a great reminder that there can be seasons to how we engage in the world for the sake of the healing of the world. In this case, there is a planning season, a planting season, and a growing and harvest season. Then the beds are prepped for winter rest before the cycle begins again. ⁣

What is a way—big or small—that you currently or would like to participate in the healing of the world from your little corner?

What need touches your heart? ⁣

Is this a season of engagement or rest and renewal for how you use your abilities and interests to serve others in the world?⁣

📸: Kristin Bloxham, 2019

📸: Kristin Bloxham, 2019


Bonus Reflection | “Hello, Water!”


088 | Seasonal Rhythms