088 | Seasonal Rhythms

I wish I knew who created this graphic that was circulating on social media. If you know, please tell me so I can give credit where credit is due.
post 088-b.jpg

There is a seasonal rhythm to neighborhood life here in the upper Midwest. It’s like we all go into semi-hibernation when the weather turns cold, then we re-emerge in the spring eager for warmer weather, spontaneous conversations, and impromptu get-togethers.⁣

⁣Personally, I feel like I’ve finally come out of a three year winter marked by layers of loss, grief, and disruptive change that caused my weary introverted self to want to withdraw. In that season, we did way less and that was helpful. It took so much emotional energy to rally for plans, even with our dearest people.⁣

⁣I have long had the desire to be more connected with people in our neighborhood. When we first moved out here people largely kept to themselves, except one couple who are our dear friends. Over time, as the neighborhood developed and new people moved in, the dynamic started to change but I was in my winter season and felt too tired to make an effort.⁣

⁣Not anymore. One of my goals for this year of rest and renewal is to foster connection with the women in our neighborhood. As it turns out, others were feeling the same way. ⁣

⁣After listening to an episode of the 10 Things to Tell You podcast, I was inspired by Laura Tremaine to start a book club in our neighborhood. We call it “Laidback Bookclub.” We want the expectations to be low so people will show up. The connecting is what matters most. It’s been a joy.⁣ (The candle in the photo was a thank you gift from my friend Alicia for starting our bookclub. It sums us up perfectly. Be sure to read the label to the end.)

⁣I knew last week that my personal winter was over and spring was morphing into summer when I was eager to host an impromptu pool party/potluck with some neighbors for the last day of school. At the end of the night my heart was so full from the laughter and sounds of playing kids. I am grateful for this new season and the promise of these new friendships.⁣

Reflection Questions:

  • In this season, what relationship would you like to infuse with some love and care? What might that look like? What would create space for renewal or new connection?⁣

  • ⁣What people obligations can you release, even for a time, so you can invest your emotional energy where it is needed or will bear the most fruit in this season?⁣


089 | Inspiration: Community Garden


087 | Seasons of Becoming