076 | Judge the Fruit

I wish I knew who created this graphic that was circulating on social media. If you know, please tell me so I can give credit where credit is due.

Last week When Miss T got home from school, she wanted a little snuggle time on the couch while she watched TV. As we were lying there, this is the exchange we had:⁣

⁣“Um, Mommy? How’s it going with your life?”⁣

⁣“How’s it going with my life?”⁣


⁣I paused and then responded:⁣

⁣“Pretty good. How’s it going with your life?”⁣

⁣Without missing a beat, she replied, “Well I’m super duper young, so it’s going great so far!”⁣

This kid! This question! How’s it going with my life? She went back to watching TV and I was left pondering the question.⁣

⁣Pretty quickly, my mind returned to a conversation I had with my spiritual director a few months ago when we were taking about life, discernment, and listening and watching for the movements the Holy Spirit.⁣

⁣I’ve been working with my spiritual director for a long time and he knows well my bend toward self-criticism and self-judgment. Practicing self-compassion has been my ongoing work for many years. He said something in that conversation that struck me so profoundly (swipe to see the hastily written notes I captured):⁣

⁣Discernment comes by judging the fruits versus judging the behaviors. ⁣

⁣My pattern had been to answer the question “How’s my life going?” by judging my behaviors—really, all the ways I perceived I was falling short. ⁣

⁣Judging, evaluating, looking for the fruit was a shift in perspective that makes room for grace to move and flow and heal, makes room for discovery, makes room for new possibilities.⁣

⁣So, I’m listening to my spiritual director’s guidance and encouragement:⁣

⁣✨ Keep following the energy.⁣

✨ Ask, “What’s life giving for me?”⁣

⁣How’s it going with my life? It feels like a gift. That’s more than pretty good.⁣

How’s it going with your life?⁣

What fruits do you experience?⁣

What is giving you energy?⁣

What is life giving for you?⁣


077 | Magic Wand


075 | Making Room for Heartbreak & Grief