Cultivating Sanctuary

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047 | Pause

Hello friends! I took a brief pause from posting as I transitioned out of my full time work into my year of renewal and discernment. I wish I could say it was intentional because a big pause from all the things was what I needed. Instead I tried to push through on new projects and getting everything just so before vacation and I found I didn’t have the energy to focus on what I love and what feeds my soul.

Probably the biggest lie I tell myself is “If I can just get this done (organized, cleaned, put away, checked off my to-do list), THEN I’ll be ready to ... (eat more plant powered meals, restart my morning routine, actually ride that Peloton, play more freely with our daughter, finish that website).

I keep telling myself this lie because it’s true to a degree. Usually restoring order in our home 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴 help clear my mind, sharpen my focus, and gives me space to work. BUT, if I have to have everything “just so,” I’ll never get anything substantive done.

Enter the gift of the pause. Pause can be a form of sabbath. Pause is a gift because it:

  • gives my brain a chance to stop whirring

  • gives my body a chance to re-energize

  • gives my spirit a chance to center in the Spirit

  • gives my imagination space for creativity

  • gives me space to put things in perspective and remember what matters

Sometimes a pause is a 10-minute (or more!) rest with the timer set. Sometimes a pause is:

  • going outside

  • a walk, run, swim, or bike ride

  • prayer

  • breathing deeply

  • stretching

  • playing

  • doing a brain dump with pen and paper of tasks or worries or ideas that are making your brain spin

  • snuggling with a loved one, pet, or cozy blanket

  • lingering over something that fills you with joy or delight

A pause cultivates sanctuary because it creates space to restore equilibrium and clarity. This is true within ourselves and it’s true in our relationships.

How would you or an important relationship be served by a pause this weekend?

What form of pause (a walk, a nap, a creative activity, etc) would be renewing for you?