Cultivating Sanctuary

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037 | Savor

I’ve noticed I’ve used—or been tempted to use—the word savor a lot lately in my writing. Savor is a fitting word for this week between Christmas and the New Year when the rhythm is so different from the usual for many of us. ⁣ ⁣

My favorite definition for savor is the last one: “to give oneself 𝙩𝙤 the enjoyment of.” It’s not just about enjoying but being all in, releasing control, finding freedom in the enjoyment.⁣ ⁣

What will you savor today? This week?⁣

To what enjoyment will you give yourself fully (or as fully as you feel safe doing)?⁣ ⁣

P.S. I’m in the hot tub. By myself. With the bubbles on. It’s bliss.⁣