031 | Celebrating Our People


In the dailyness of life, it is easy to get caught up in logistics and tasks and take for granted the things that make the people we do life with (however you want to define that) a gift. ⁣ ⁣

This morning as I went down to make a cup of coffee, I passed this painting that Andrew did a few years ago. We bring it out during Advent. It’s one of my favorite things he’s ever painted. I love watching Andrew’s creativity find expression. Whether it is painting, writing, storytelling or playing with Miss T, or creating videos for Incarnation’s kids’ programs. Andrew sparks when he’s accessing his creative spirit. I continually marvel at the way his mind works and delight in the unfolding of his projects.⁣ ⁣

I was already thinking about this when Andrew came into my office this morning. Usually Andrew prepares breakfast at our house, but I was up super early and wanted to have breakfast ready for him before he had to leave at 7:15 to take the dog to the vet. I had preheated the oven, put the quiche in to warm, and set the timer for 30 minutes. Andrew was in the kitchen when the timer went off, but when he went to take the quiche out of the oven he discovered I had placed it in the microwave by mistake. It sat in the microwave for 30 minutes not being heated while the timer ticked down. Andrew came into my office with a twinkle in his eyes and in his voice and kindly asked “My love, are you a little tired this morning?” Bless him for his humor and graciousness!⁣ ⁣

At breakfast, after Andrew had left with the dog, I asked Miss T, “What do you think is special about Daddy?” Without missing a beat, she said, “That he meets me at the bus every day.” She paused a moment. “And his kindness.”⁣ ⁣ Part of cultivating sanctuary in our relationships is celebrating the goodness in the people who are dear to us.⁣ ⁣

Who do you want to celebrate today?

What do you see in them that you want to celebrate?

For what in them do you give thanks?⁣


032 | The Gift of Lower Standards


030 | Space to Breathe