010 | Celebrate You

Enjoy a moment of sanctuary to breathe deeply and simply be present to this time.⁣

⁣It is easy to get in a pattern of self-criticism, noticing the things we don’t like or want to change about ourselves. But you are a beautiful, beloved Child of God with all your goodness and complexities. Let’s celebrate that!

🪴 What are three things you like about yourself today?

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⁣This is your moment of sanctuary.⁣

⁣Take a deep breath in … ⁣

⁣… and release it slowly.


🪴 What are three things you like about yourself today?

Take a deep breath in … ⁣

⁣… and release it slowly.

⁣Thank you for spending time with us today.⁣


011 | Compassion


009 | Nourish Your Body