Helping you reclaim a spirit of abundance

In your current season, what would it look like to feel renewed?

Feeling spiritually dry, disengaged, and being caught in a cycle of one thing after the other, is your spirit’s way of grabbing your attention. Perhaps now is a better time than any to listen. 

My job as a Spiritual Mentor is to help you recognize the God-given desires within you. By paying attention to what enlivens and pulls energy from you, together we’ll uncover a Spirit-led path to wholeness and life abundant. 

Spiritual Mentoring


Over six months, we’ll foster a deep attentiveness to the Spirit moving in your life, ongoing reflection, processing, discernment, and how to thoughtfully respond to it all in a way that deeply resonates with you.


While Single-Sessions aren’t a deep dive, this is a great first introduction to Spiritual Mentoring where I offer clarity and insight on one or two challenges you’d like a fresh perspective on. 

“Testimonial headline of something amazing your clients have said”

Finishing blurb of what client has said

Name of Client, Name of Client’s Business

During our time together, here’s what I’ll be for you:

A non-judgemental presence 

Nothing is off limits in our conversations. You can freely bring anything to the table with confidence that any information shared with me remains confidential. 

A thoughtful listener & question-asker

As you share with me, I’ll reflect back what I'm hearing. This is to help you look at the patterns in your own life to either learn from, keep, or safely release. 

A gentle spiritual guide

Everything in our lives is spiritual. I’ll help you explore all that restores you, aligns with you, and brings you a profound sense of connection and purpose.  


Wait, so what is Spiritual Mentoring? 

Spiritual Mentoring is like having a supportive conversation with a guide who helps you discern how the Holy Spirit is moving in your life. We listen and pay attention to the gentle guidance and prompts of the Holy Spirit working in you and around you. This awareness then helps us continue on a Spirit-led path. 

Do I have to be religious to engage in Spiritual Mentoring? 

The short answer is no. My work is rooted in an expansive view of God’s love and the Holy Spirit’s movement through our lives. Whether you’re reevaluating your beliefs, healing from previous church hurt, or are simply spiritually curious, I’ll meet you where you’re at. 

How do I know if Spiritual Mentoring is right for me? 

People often come to me for four different reasons. Might it be that you’re …

  • Feeling depleted from being tossed around in a hectic time in life right now

  • Anticipating a transition of some kind and want to walk in it well 

  • Just coming out of a transitional season and wondering what’s next 

  • Eager for a space to explore spiritual remodeling of your own faith 

As you’re processing which category you might fall into, a lot of clarity comes by talking it out. An Exploratory Call is always available if you want to see if the process is right for you. 

Do I have to commit for six months?  

Unless you decide to opt for the Single Session, yes. I ask all clients to start with a six-month commitment. This timing gives us a chance to really get to know each other and build meaningful momentum in our work together.

All I ask is for you to show up with an open heart and mind 

I won’t ever claim to have the perfect solution to every personal challenge. My role as your Spiritual Mentor is to simply create an open space to look at things with a healthy sense of detachment and curiosity. 

It will always be my deep conviction to follow where your inner wisdom and the Spirit lead, and let them both shape where it takes you next.