How We Can Help . . . Our Services

At Cultivating Sanctuary, we equip you to create space for a renewing, abundant life so you can be well—even in the midst of life’s disruptions.

Spiritual Mentoring

Spiritual Mentoring is a process of guided conversation and listening where we partner to notice the work of the Holy Spirit in your life and listen together for the guidance and nudging of the Spirit in daily life.

Whether you are in a season of disruption or discernment, or you are feeling stuck, worn out, or longing for a deeper connection with God, Spiritual Mentoring provides a Spirit-guided way forward.

In Spiritual Mentoring, my role as the mentor is to listen, be a non-judgmental presence, ask questions, reflect back, offer insights and guidance, challenge you by speaking the truth in love as appropriate, encourage and pray for you. I will maintain confidentiality.

In Spiritual Mentoring, your role as the client is to let your journey be your journey; share as you feel moved; honor silence when needed; notice feelings, impulses, joys and fears, and what’s happening in your body.

Together, we enter in a spirit of humility—trusting God’s Spirit is present and moving and desires well-being and abundant, connected life for you.

Sign up for a free 25-minute exploratory conversation to find out if Spiritual Mentoring is right for you.


Digital Courses

Our first digital course, Sanctuary Reset: 7 Steps to Cultivate a Renewing Life Rhythm, will launch in January 2022.

Our culture proclaims the merits of “new year, new you” but you are already a gift as you are. Instead of self-improvement goals, what if you claimed your center and used that to cultivate a renewing life rhythm in this season? The impact in your daily life will be powerful.

To get updates on this new digital course, sign up for our weekly email newsletter or register for our free masterclass, 4 Keys to a Renewing Life Rhythm,

Create a Renewing Life Space

Are there areas of your home that deplete your energy because they are constantly cluttered, don’t function well, or feel tired? Do you want to make a change but you’re not sure where to start or feel overwhelmed by the process?

Our 4-session coaching package will help you align your physical space with your life in this season. In this 4-session process we will:

  1. Help you get clear on your needs and desires for the space in this season

  2. Make a plan of action

  3. Provide support and encouragement as you complete the plan

  4. Follow up 6-weeks later to assess how your space is serving you and adjust the system as needed.

This is an online service. If you live in the Twin Cities or West Central Wisconsin, Sessions 2 and 3 can be done in person.

Sign up for a free 25-minute exploratory conversation to find out if Create a Renewing Life Space is right for you.


Speaker/Retreat Leader

Are you looking for a speaker or retreat leader for your church or organization?

Jeanne Hartfield, founder of Cultivating Sanctuary (SM) and an ordained pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) with 20+ years on the front lines of ministry, can help equip your people to be well in the midst of life’s disruptions.

Jeanne is available online or in-person to speak or lead:

  • Retreats or Adult Forums with your faith community

  • Corporate gatherings or team retreats

  • A two-hour Spiritual Spa mini-retreat for your small group or friend group.

To learn more or explore possible topics, please email Jeanne with details.

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What do you need?
Let’s figure it out together.

A great first step is to book a free 25-minute Introductions & Exploration conversation to talk about your situation and explore possibilities for working together to create space for what renews and energizes you and the people you serve.