172 | Nourish Your Spiritual life

NOURISH YOUR SPIRITUAL LIFE || How do you nourish your spiritual life?

One of the best gifts I consistently give myself is time to nourish my spiritual life. This can look like a lot of different things. For me, in this season, it includes participating in a worshiping community, monthly sessions with my spiritual director, and a daily habit of audio devotions.

What matters to me in these practices is that I am responding to an invitation to be present to myself and to God in God’s loving presence. 

It’s that simple.
Also, just because it is simple doesn’t mean it’s easy. Our brains have a way of filling the quiet and pulling us away from our intention to be present.

For me, a morning ritual works really well for nourishing my spiritual life. I like to get up early and enjoy the quiet. I turn on the candles and the fireplace. I get a cup of coffee. I sit in my favorite chair and allow my body and brain to wake up at a leisurely pace.

A while ago, a friend casually mentioned the Pray As You Go app as a way of doing audio devotions. It turned out to be just what I needed in this season of life. I love that I don’t have to make any decisions except to put my earbuds in and press play. That’s not even a decision anymore; it is a habit. Some days I’m super attentive to the music, scripture, and prompts included in the prayer. Other days I let it all wash over me, trusting that God is at work in that too.

What has made the most difference in my spiritual well being is just showing up consistently.

Are you looking to form, strengthen, or change up a daily practice to nourish your spiritual life? Here are a few thoughts to encourage you . . .

–Take the pressure off. Start with what’s easy.
–Try to do something daily to build the habit. Start small.
–Do it at the time of day that works best for you.
–Expect distraction.
–Allow yourself to receive.
–Remember it's about the relationship not the task.
–You can’t do it wrong.

🌱How do you nourish your spiritual life on your own?
🌱How do you nourish your spiritual life in community?

✨Check out @prayasyougo_official. Download the app for your phone or visit them online at https://pray-as-you-go.org


173 | Wednesday Coffee || Episode 12
