131 | Listen to the Longing

LISTEN TO THE LONGING || I’ve been experiencing a renewed love of Halloween the past few years. On Saturday our neighborhood hosted its third annual Halloween Party and Trick-or-Treating event. It was so fun to see kids and adults getting creative with costumes and house decorations. It was the most fun to gather at the park for the party and then greet the groups of neighbors who showed up at our house trick or treating.

It wasn’t always like this. Our neighborhood is not fully developed. A few years ago we would maybe get two families of trick-or-treaters, if any. Most of the homes with kids would head to other neighborhoods where there were more houses a lot closer together.

But four years ago, things started to change. Change started with conversation and someone saying “maybe we should plan something for Halloween?” 

In those early conversations, there was a longing that was named. 1) That our kids would have something fun to do for Halloween right here in our neighborhood. But more than that, 2) people were longing for a sense of community, connection, and belonging in our neighborhood that just wasn’t developed yet.

The next year, I spoke to the person who initially had the idea and we recruited a few other people and planned the first neighborhood Halloween party. It was SO windy that day and it was the first Halloween of Covid so we had to be outside; but people made the best of it and it was a ton of fun.

After that first party, more people affirmed the longing for community, connection, and belonging in our neighborhood. “It was so fun to see people!” “I loved getting to know more of our neighbors.” “Let’s do it again!” So we did.

The best part? Our HOA (Home Owners’ Association) created a line item in the budget to support it AND there is an official committee that plans it. I support it by participating and by storing the trick-or-treating signs in our garage.

What longing have you felt or heard someone name recently?

As you listen to that longing, how might you honor it with some small actions?


132 | Wednesday Coffee || Episode 2


130 | Wednesday Coffee || Episode 1