123 | Life Disruptors Make Me B-A-N-A-N-A-S

To say that the last few months have been B-A-N-A-N-A-S,  is a bit of an understatement. Both I and my husband have launched and been immersed in our respective creative projects, we’ve had low-grade annoying sickness cycle through our house a few times, and it seems like the need to adapt or cancel plans has been never ending. 

All that I just named fits into the large category of what I call “Life Disruptors.”

Life disruptors are events, choices, or situations that interrupt or alter the typical rhythms of your life and consequently contribute to feelings of stress, disregulation, or overwhelm. ⁣We can’t always control what life disruptors come our way, but we can learn to anticipate, create margin for the unexpected, and regulate the ways we respond in stress and disruption to lessen the impact.

Life disruptors can be:⁣

  • any length of time from a day or two to an extended season or permanent change;⁣

  • chosen or happen to you;⁣

  • positive or negative;⁣

  • caused by something in your own life or in the life of someone close to you.⁣

In general, types of life disruptors can fit into four buckets (Read through the images to learn about each type.):

  • Logistical Disruptors

  • Chronic Disruptors

  • Chosen Change Disruptors

  • Crisis Disruptors

I find it so helpful when I’m feeling out of sorts to be able to name the disruptor and its type. Then I can use that information to help me manage both my expectations and my response, which tends to lessen the emotional impact of said disruptor. More about that tomorrow . . .

For now:

Read through the descriptions of each type of disruptor.

Which type(s) have you experienced before? 

Drop your responses in the comments below.


124 | “Am I going to cry? No.”


122 | INSPIRED~January 2022