Cultivating Sanctuary

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112 | The Gift of Asking for Help

I used to think that if I could do it myself, I should do it myself.⁣

⁣I’m not sure when that changed, it was likely too gradual to pinpoint. I could come up with all kinds of justifications for why it did, but what if we set those aside? What if we let the belief “Just because I can do it, doesn’t mean I should” stand on its own?⁣

⁣To use Jon Acuff language, this is a new soundtrack that I’m turning the dial up on. ⁣

⁣This language was really helpful a few months ago as I stood in our garage overwhelmed by the amount of work it would take to get it in order. Actually, that wasn’t the problem. The issue that contributed to overwhelm was dealing with all the stuff that needed to go away and disposing/donating/recycling of it properly. ⁣

⁣Enter The Pack Up Artist. Knowing Andrew and I were both at our limits with the garage and wanting to deal with it before the snow flies, I took the recommendation of a friend and called them to see if they could help. ⁣

⁣Yes, they could. ⁣

⁣It felt like a gift from the heavens to have their team show up. They did all the heavy lifting of sorting and hauling. We made the decisions. Making gobs of decisions in a space is no small labor. I was surprised by how tired I was at the end of each of those days. But I also felt lighter and freer.⁣

⁣Could we have done the heavy lifting and figured out where to haul all the stuff? Of course. But giving ourselves permission to not have to do it, meant it actually got done and we were freed up to focus on other, more creative uses of our time and energy.⁣

The Pack Up Artist helped us get to a place where the finishing details felt manageable. I have a little more organizing to to and a few pieces of Elfa System to install so the flow is sustainable; but that’s the fun part.⁣

⁣Reflection Questions

✨ What is something you think you have to do just because you can?⁣

✨ What would owning the belief “Just because I can do it, doesn’t mean I should” allow you to release?⁣