092 | Creating Space for Intentional Rest

One of my motives in creating Cultivating Sanctuary (SM) is a deep desire to help women avoid the kind of burnout I have experienced and develop skills and practices that allow them to be well amidst life’s disruptions.⁣

⁣This is why the number one value at Cultivating Sanctuary (SM) is “Creating space for intentional rest.”⁣

It is so tempting—especially when we are high capacity people—to fill every day, every hour, every moment with something: tasks, projects, people, errands, thoughts and more thoughts. Relying on the leftover moments to rest and recharge may work in the short term, but is a recipe for exhaustion long term.⁣

⁣Being intentional about the quantity and quality of rest you are taking gives you the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual reserves that help you to be more resilient when life feels like a lot. ⁣

⁣Not sure where to start?⁣

  • Get clear on what is restful and restorative for you. What fills your cup? What gives you energy? ⁣

  • Your calendar is your ally. Use to increase margin between commitments and to-do’s and to block off time for rest and/or renewing activities. ⁣

  • Give yourself permission to stop, to rest, to do nothing, to turn off your brain for a bit. Many women I know (including myself) put so much pressure on themselves to just keep going because the to-do list is so long. To quote Eliza Hamilton from the musical, “take a break!”⁣

  • Hold that time as a commitment to your well-being. If you are feeling a pull to schedule over it out of obligation, it is a true statement to say, “I’m not available then. I have another commitment.” No need to apologize or explain. Everyone is better served when you are taking intentional rest. ⁣

  • Let your closest people know your plans and what you need. Give them advance warning so they can both support you and planning accordingly if they might need something from you during that time.⁣

Creating space for intentional rest is like building a muscle, our ability to do it gets stronger the more we practice. ⁣

⁣Reflection Question

🌱 What is one small action you can take today to create space for intentional rest this week? ⁣


093 | “Who says?”


091 | Father’s Day