085 | The Practice of Weeding






My neighbor and I were joking the other day that we should have a weed growing contest. The thistle and dandelions have gone crazy in our garden beds. We could give out a prize at our HOA meeting for the biggest thistle, with bonus points if it’s visible from the road. It was good to laugh with her about it and know I’m not alone in putting weeding toward the bottom of the priority list.⁣

⁣While our semi out of control weeds in the garden are a bit of a trigger for me, I find the actual practice of weeding to be quite valuable. It’s a way of creating space for new growth, space for something beautiful to flourish. ⁣

⁣The practice of weeding is not just for garden beds. It is a practice that is beneficial inside our homes as well, renewing the space where we live and with it our spirits. ⁣

⁣A change of seasons—whether a season of the year or a season of life—is a natural time to look more closely at our physical spaces and the objects that inhabit them and then remove what might inhibit our ability to thrive and flourish in the new season. Consider:⁣

  • What spaces feel over full, cramped or cluttered?⁣

  • What items no longer serve the life you are currently living?⁣

  • What have you kept only out of obligation?⁣

  • What takes a disproportionate amount of time or energy to maintain?⁣

  • What in your home triggers joy, calm, gratitude, or contentment? Is anything blocking or impeding your ability to use or appreciate it?⁣

  • What activities or experiences would you like to have space to enjoy in this season? What adjustments do you need to make where you live to be able to do that?⁣

⁣In this change of seasons, I’m focusing on weeding out my and Miss T’s clothes, some kitchen tools, and even the literal weeds in the garden. Once I get going, I find the work to be quite meditative and satisfying, especially when I embrace progress over perfection. The end result sets the stage for the new season. It gives me room to move and work and recharge with greater freedom.

Think about the physical spaces where you live. What area, big or small, could use some weeding?

How would you be served or energized by that area being refreshed?


086 | Grateful


084 | Peony Season