Cultivating Sanctuary

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066 | Starting the Day Well

Absence makes the heart grow fonder? It’s true when it comes to my early morning quiet time. I slept later than usual and missed the window of time before Miss T wakes up. The sleep was much needed but I noticed launching straight into the demands of the day made me feel a little edgy.⁣

⁣For a long, long time I thought having a highly defined morning routine was the key to me being a better, more effective person. If you are a person who thrives with that kind of structure and regimen, I’m glad for you. After many, many seasons of trying and failing to make it so, I stopped trying to force it.⁣

⁣Instead, I started listening to my body and spirit and noticing how in my heart of hearts I wanted to spend that time. Here’s what I discovered: I really just wanted coffee, quiet without interruption, and the freedom to choose each day how that time would best serve me. Sometimes I read. Sometimes I do breath or centering prayer. SometimesI read Scripture or a devotional. Sometimes I plan or make a list. Sometimes I just sit and savor the quiet.⁣

⁣I missed that today and so was reminded why quiet time in the early morning is a core infrastructure practice for me: It gives me space to be and feel the possibility of the day before me without feeling rushed. It is a gentle start to the day.⁣

What are some things that you do to start the day well?