064 | Introducing Seven Minutes of Sanctuary

I wish I knew who created this graphic that was circulating on social media. If you know, please tell me so I can give credit where credit is due.

Normally I am all in on Lent, the season of the church year that goes from Ash Wednesday to Holy Week and is a time of reflection and repentance, but this year is different. ⁣

⁣My family is in transition after recently leaving the faith community I served as pastor for 18 years and Covid gives searching for a new church home a strange flavor. Also, after so many years in parish ministry, I find I’m enjoying these weekends with less structure and obligation.⁣

⁣Still, as Holy Week approaches, I feel the absence of the usual Lenten rhythms. My spirit hungers for liturgy, scripture, community, and the way of Jesus.⁣

⁣So here’s what we’re doing to cultivate sanctuary in our spirits:⁣

⁣🌿 Though we don’t yet have a church home, Andrew and I made a commitment that we would worship with one faith community for all of Holy Week. We have a plan.⁣

⁣🌿 Each day from Palm/Passion Sunday (3/28) through Easter Sunday (4/4), we will release a short video where I lead a guided meditation called Seven Minutes of Sanctuary to help you cultivate sanctuary in your spirit.⁣

⁣The Seven Minutes of Sanctuary videos will be available each day by 7 a.m. Central Time for you to use at the best time for you. You’ll be able to find the current day’s video through Cultivating Sanctuary’s Instagram Stories and Facebook feed. In Instagram they will also be archived in the highlights.⁣

Explore the Seven Minutes of Sanctuary (TM) guided video mediation library

📝 Please note: Though these meditations will draw on Christian faith elements, we are creating them with our broader audience in mind. Whatever your faith or spiritual lens, I hope you’ll join us for a little time to breathe deeply and center your spirit.⁣


065 | Family Date Night


063 | Clearing Obstacles