006 | Creating Space for Others

While we wait for election results here in the United States, I am choosing to focus on something that gives me great delight. Miss T, our 6 (and a half!) year old daughter is embracing reading and writing. The other day she wrote a list (be still my heart) and now she has started putting labels on things in our home: the bathroom, the TV, the fireplace. Her earnest focus on spelling the words correctly and carefully forming the letters in her evolving handwriting is a joy for me.⁣

One way of cultivating sanctuary in our relationships is by creating space for each person to express themselves, to learn and to grow. Ironically, as I was writing this, Miss T came to me wanting to snuggle and my first impulse was to say “wait a few minutes until I’m finished.” I had to force myself to set down my phone (and the drive toward productivity) in favor of being more fully present to my daughter. I am a work in progress.⁣

How might you cultivate sanctuary in one of your relationships today?

Is there a friend, coworker, neighbor or family member who would be blessed by your undivided attention, a listening ear, a word of encouragement or affirmation, a little laughter or a kind action? ⁣

Write your idea or intention in the comments below so we can encourage one another or write yourself a note and post it as a reminder to cultivate sanctuary in one of your relationships.⁣

Art print by the amazing and talented Samantha French.⁣


007 | Defining Cultivate


005 | Election Day