Cultivating Sanctuary

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FRIDAY PRACTICE Notice || What has been giving you energy lately? What has been drawing energy from you lately?

Have you had days or seasons where it feels like you’re on autopilot? You do the things you need to do out of habit, ritual, or obligation but you’re not really awake to the impact of those things on your spirit.

One simple way to live attentive to God’s guiding Spirit is to notice what is life-giving and what is life-draining. In other words, notice what gives you energy or meaning and what draws energy or feels pointless.

God’s desire for you–for each of us–is wholeness and life abundant. We participate with the Spirit in nurturing that reality for ourselves and others and are better able to do that when we are paying attention and noticing what is happening within and around us.

🌱 What has been giving you energy lately?
🌱 What has been drawing energy from you lately?
🌱 How can you create space for more of what is giving you energy?
🌱 What do you need to address or adjust to tend to what has been drawing energy from you?