Cultivating Sanctuary

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FRIDAY PRACTICE Notice || What emotions have been especially present lately?

Many of us were brought up to believe that some emotions are good and some are bad. Anger and sadness have, in particular, gotten a bad rap. 

In truth, all emotions are data points. They are insights into what we are experiencing and, as we get curious about our emotions, they can be important guides as we figure out our way forward in matters big and small.

This week, I encourage you to notice your emotions in real time and also to be attentive to any patterns or trends you reflect back over recent days, weeks, months. Are there any emotions you’ve been ignoring, suppressing, or numbing? If so, why? What can you learn from these emotions and how you interact with them?

Remember, emotions are not good or bad, they are data. Treat them with curiosity and wonder and yourself with grace and self-compassion as you explore.

🌱 What emotions have been especially present for you lately?

🌱 What is behind those emotions? What do they tell you?

🌱 How is each of those emotions a gift to you?