Cultivating Sanctuary

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126 | Spring Cleaning

I never thought I would be someone who gets excited about spring cleaning, but I am. To be more precise, I’m not super excited about the work of spring cleaning; but I love the impact of a seasonal refresh. 

To get the spring cleaning refresh, think:

RESTORE: What needs to be put back in order?

PURGE: What can I set free to make space for what matters more?

SOW: What do I want to plant? How do I prepare the “soil” to encourage healthy growth?

Some spring cleaning is done out of necessity—sweeping out the garage, cleaning out plant beds, opening the pool. Other spring cleaning I do because some intentional action at the start of the season—like getting my calendar in order—helps life flow more smoothly mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. 

This year I’m asking myself this question:

✨ What in my habits, practices, and relationships could benefit from “spring cleaning”? 

You can get more specific with your question by asking yourself:

+ When I consider my habits: What can I restore? What needs to be purged? What am I going to sow?

+ When I consider my practices: What can I restore? What needs to be purged? What am I going to sow?

+ When I consider my relationships: What can I restore? What needs to be purged? What am I going to sow?

Here are a few of my “spring cleaning” projects for this year:


Switch up my morning routine. I’ve slipped back into the habit of checking my phone first thing in the morning. It’s fairly innocuous but I’ve noticed I’m getting sucked into scrolling things that don’t matter more frequently. It’s not the input I want at the start of my day. It’s time to store my phone in my office overnight and create space for a different on ramp to my day—like reading, quiet, or food prep (that I find meditative when I’m not under time pressure).


Create a Spring capsule wardrobe by shopping my closet. I’m super inspired by @alisonlumbatis to simplify my choices while having great options for feeling cute. Also, as I get bogged down in the putting away part of the laundry process, I want fewer items in circulation so there are fewer clothes to wash.


Enjoy a three day personal retreat with my dear friend Pam. We’re doing a getaway to a place we’ve loved in the past that is now a retreat center (@wildriceretreats). Since we live in different cities, planning our next time together is a way of “preparing the soil” for our friendship to flourish. Our adventures usually include our spouses and Tillie, so this will be a special treat. There is the added bonus of downtime and alone time that will nourish my spirit as well as our friendship.

Now it’s your turn.


What in your habits, practices, and relationships could benefit from “spring cleaning”? 

What will you restore, purge, and sow this spring?