Cultivating Sanctuary

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122 | INSPIRED~January 2022

JANUARY INSPIRED—One of Cultivating Sanctuary’s core values is playing a role to heal the world. INSPIRED highlights people who use their time, gifts, abilities, and resources to make a positive difference in the world.⁣

Alicia Schneider is my neighbor and friend. There are many reasons I admire and appreciate Alicia, but what I want to celebrate today as January’s INSPIRED focus is her gift and passion for inviting others into service and volunteering. Through the practice of serving regularly, she is modeling for her kids the value of serving others and caring for one another in community and they are internalizing this value in a really beautiful way.

I asked Alicia three questions. Her spirit of generosity and her wisdom shines through in her responses. Here are her words . . .

Q: Why is it important to teach your kids to volunteer/serve others?

ALICIA: “As a parent in this world, where children have so many distractions, stress from school, athletics, friendships can be hard and they are pulled in so many different directions… serving can give them a sense of purpose. They are needed and an important piece in this world. When you serve others, it gives you a feeling that you often can’t put words to.

“The other lesson that we often talk about is that one person can make a difference. We live in a big world, and sometimes it may feel as though things are overwhelming or a problem it too large for you to fix. But if you start small, you can see the ripple effect. One hour, helping one person, giving $1.00 may be the starting point. Then a friend joins you for that hour and you are able to accomplish twice as much.”

Q: What are some of the service activities that you’ve done together? Which one(s) have been the most meaningful for your kids? For you?

ALICIA: “Over the years we have served together in many different roles, and that serving has evolved as Bennett and Sophia have gotten older. A few of the ways that we have been involved together include: Serving dinner at Grace Place, delivering meals on Thanksgiving Day to those in need through different organizations, packing meals with Feed My Starving Children, serving a monthly meal at Loaves and Fishes to name a few. If you start to look for the opportunities, you will see all kinds of areas where you are able to get involved as a family.

“When the pandemic began in the spring of 2020, we began delivering meals with the Hudson Backpack program. When the schools shut down, those families that relied on the weekly backpacks, now needed to have the food delivered. During one of our deliveries in April 2020, one of the recipients walked over to Bennett, who was unloading food for her, grabbed his arm and said look at me. She proceeded to tell him what a special servant he was and that he was going to be rewarded in life for the good he was doing. While this conversation struck a chord with Bennett, watching this interaction as a mom was a moment I will never forget. Upon our next time of delivering, she had a gift for us, a rock that she had painted as a thank you. That rock sits next to our door to remind us daily of how important it us to help others.”

Q: What advice would you give to parents who want to help their kids experience volunteering/serving others?

ALICIA: “Look for the opportunities that surround you. Many local churches and community organizations have programs in place. Start small. You will be amazed at what you can accomplish one time, with a one hour commitment. Your children will impress you with the ability to complete tasks when they are serving.

“Get children involved in something that they are already passionate about. Do you have a park you visit regularly? Next time, take a bag along to clean up the space. Do they like to cook? Make a meal for a family in need. Do they have a love for animals? Reach out to local organizations about volunteer opportunities. Often times an opportunity to volunteer exists that appeals to them and their interests.”

Thank you Alicia for sharing of yourself and how your family is embracing the value of serving! I am grateful for you and continually INSPIRED.

Photo Credit: Alicia Schneider