Cultivating Sanctuary

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091 | Father’s Day

Photo Credit: Olive Juice Studios, 2010

When Andrew and I got married 11 years ago, I instantly became a step-mom and a grandma. I was blessed with a big, beautiful family to love. It was the best wedding gift. It has been a joy to watch Andrew’s relationships with each of our adult children grow and change over the years of our marriage. Watching him parent Miss T day in and day out fills me with awe and delight. Andrew, I celebrate you!⁣

⁣This weekend we were in Indiana for a family wedding. It was such a joy spending time with our three daughters together plus our oldest daughter’s family. Since we are spread out geographically, it is a gift for us to be with more than our three family on Father’s Day. ⁣

⁣For me, Father’s Day is bittersweet since my dad died three years ago. I miss him. My heart is with those for whom the day is complicated or sorrowful.⁣

⁣Thank you to all the men out there who share of themselves, acting with love and care toward others. You are a blessing!⁣

Who are you celebrating or remembering today?⁣