Cultivating Sanctuary

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090 | Let’s Celebrate!

As women, our culture from childhood has too often told us to take up less space, to play down our abilities and accomplishments, to be small. I reject that!⁣

⁣Please join me in naming and celebrating one or all of the following:⁣

⁣🤩 Something you’ve done (big or small) that makes you proud⁣

⁣🤩 Something you’ve achieved or accomplished⁣

⁣🤩 Something you’re good at⁣

⁣🤩 Something you’ve learned lately ⁣

⁣🤩 A way you’ve grown into yourself⁣

🤩 A way you’ve persevered when things weren’t just smooth sailing⁣

I’ll go first. I built a website for Cultivating Sanctuary (as you can see because you’re here!). It took some time, I had a couple false starts and had to figure out a few things; but I persevered. I did it! It feels so good to check this project off my list. I feel really great about the result and want it to be a resource for you.⁣⁣

As a reward for finding your way to this website, I’ve posted a bonus reflection that you can read as you carve out some sanctuary time. ⁣

Will you celebrate with me??? Here’s how:⁣

✨ Drop a couple celebratory emojis in the comments.⁣

✨ Share how we can celebrate you. ⁣

✨ Check out the website and let me know what you think!⁣