Cultivating Sanctuary

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080 | Recreation = Re-Creation

Yesterday I checked off one of my goals for the month of May: Play golf at least once with Andrew (my husband).⁣

⁣It feels a little ridiculous that I have to make something I enjoy so much a goal for the month to actually do it. ⁣

⁣At the same time, I’m choosing not to judge myself for habits that have been ingrained for decades, habits and a mindset around work and play that I’m using this year of rest and renewal to unlearn and redefine.⁣

⁣Play and recreation are important facets of rest and renewal. The word recreation comes from a Latin root that means “create anew” or “refresh.”⁣

⁣For too long I have undervalued recreation and play as important pillars in a rhythm of life that sustains and renews. I could speak that truth but haven’t lived that truth; and my body and spirit have paid the price for it.⁣

⁣So, if making playing golf with Andrew (or whatever refreshes and creates newness in me) a goal each month helps me to live it more consistently, that’s what I’m going to do.⁣

What do you do for recreation that refreshes and renews you?⁣

What do you do to carve out time for that or other leisure activities?⁣

If you, like me, have had a hard time making space for recreation, what is in the way? What could you do differently to make more room for your own refreshment?⁣