Cultivating Sanctuary

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073 | Sabbath Delight

Last weekend we had a little getaway with a couple of dear friends. We met at Camp Wandawega and stayed at the gorgeously appointed Wandawega Hill House. The whole weekend was lovely. It fed my soul. The effects of it stayed with me this week in deeper sleep and a calmer spirit. After a few days of reflection, I know why—it was sabbath.⁣

⁣Most people can name the “rest from work” dimension of sabbath, but there is more to it than that. Practicing sabbath also has a dimension of delighting in creation and the gifts and rhythms of creation that God has provided.⁣

⁣Delight is a great word to describe our weekend away.⁣

⁣✨ We were with people we love and with whom it is so easy to just be.⁣

⁣✨ We cooked beautiful food in that heavenly kitchen for the joy of the process and the flavors and the company and serving one another.⁣

⁣✨ We explored the camp grounds, did archery, threw axes, absorbed the beauty and wonder of springtime emerging.⁣

⁣✨ We climbed in the two-story tree house that was the inspiration for a Miss T’s toy treehouse—also the driving inspiration for our get away.⁣

⁣✨ I napped and slept like the dead.⁣

⁣✨ We listened to music and sang along while we cleaned up after dinner.⁣

⁣✨ We relaxed on the big green couch in the kitchen and savored being so present to the moment.⁣

⁣There was a moment on Saturday night when I was on the couch, enjoying some wine. My feet ached from being on them all day, but it was a satisfying ache. The music was playing and I was overwhelmed with the bliss of it. In that moment I wondered, “Why don’t we do this more at home?” ⁣

⁣One of the gifts of getting away is that it is easier to release the mental load of home life for a time because you are not face to face with the reminders of what might be done. But, surely, there is a way to pull elements of delight into daily life or a weekend night at home, to be more attentive and present to the delights of God’s created order right where we are in the midst of ordinary life.⁣

What do you already do in the rhythms of your day/week that evokes delight and helps you be present in the moment?⁣

How might you practice sabbath this weekend?