Cultivating Sanctuary

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072 | Making Room

The word “entropy” has been on my brain lately as certain areas of our house seem to rather quickly descend into disorder and chaos after they’ve been tidied. This tells me that it is time for another round of decluttering and letting go in these spaces so that all the things have a home and it is easy to restore order.⁣

⁣As I consider this endeavor, this quote from Emily P. Freeman is really speaking to me:⁣

Making room doesn’t just happen. We have to do it on purpose.

⁣Once again, language is powerful. Even though decluttering and letting go are the actions I’ll take, there is a layer of loss that accompanies them. In that work we also come face to face with past choices that either didn’t serve our lives or that served for a season that is now gone. ⁣

⁣Even though the actions are the same, the mindset of “making room” is future focused. It is now focused. It gives us grace and permission to reflect on the question: What will serve the way we want to live now? ⁣

⁣As I embrace another round of decluttering, I will do it through the lens of making room. I will remember:⁣

  • I am making room for easier food prep and clean up, which makes room for more relaxed cooking and healthier meals.⁣

  • I am making room for more productive work hours and clearer boundaries between work life and home life.⁣

  • I am making room for rest and play by removing the visual clutter that saps my energy and ignites feelings of obligation.⁣

  • I am making room for the me that is emerging in this season as I peel back the layers of what from the past no longer serves.⁣

⁣Cultivating Sanctuary is all about making room:⁣

  • ⁣room for rest⁣

  • room for what renews⁣

  • room for what revitalizes⁣

  • room for what matters⁣

  • room for who matters⁣

  • room for God’s Spirit to move in our lives.⁣

⁣We do this:⁣

  • Where we live⁣

  • Within ourselves⁣

  • In our relationships ⁣

  • In the world.⁣

Making room doesn’t just happen. We have to do it on purpose.

Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Breathe deeply again. And again. ⁣

⁣In what ways is God’s Spirit inviting you to make room in your life?⁣