Cultivating Sanctuary

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061 | Tending Our Infrastructure

The nature of infrastructure is that we usually only notice it when something isn’t working right. On one level, infrastructure is the system of public works that allows life together to function more smoothly. ⁣

⁣For me, it is also helpful to think about infrastructure as the systems, practices, and habits that help me and our family move through life more centered and with energy and intention.⁣

⁣We are on the brink of a change of seasons here in Wisconsin and Minnesota. As I drove to the lake last week, there were a few patches of road that were especially beat up by the winter. This is typical for this time of year. We know winter is a stressful season on our physical infrastructure so there is also a plan and process for maintaining and repairing it. Orange barrels and “loose gravel” signs warn us to pay attention and show us that the people responsible for maintaining this part of the infrastructure see what needs tending.⁣

⁣Over the years, I’ve discovered that the following are core parts of my infrastructure. They help me engage in life and relationships from a better place.⁣

  • ⁣ Time and space to cook quality, interesting food⁣

  • ⁣ Morning quiet time (centering prayer, read, plan, just be—all with coffee)⁣

  • ⁣ Moving my body⁣

  • ⁣ Play⁣

  • ⁣ Meaningful work/service⁣

  • ⁣ Order in our physical spaces⁣

⁣I don’t do them perfectly or even all of them every day; but when I’m investing in these facets of my life, I tend to have more physical, emotional, mental and spiritual resources to draw on for what life brings our way.⁣

⁣Over the years I’ve also noticed certain things signal that I need to invest more in tending my infrastructure:⁣

  • ⁣ I get impatient more quickly⁣

  • ⁣ Emotions come out sideways ⁣

  • ⁣ I don’t sleep well—I wake up in the night and struggle to go back to sleep⁣

  • ⁣ I feel disconnected from God and important people in my life ⁣

  • ⁣ I make gigantic to-do lists and put pressure on myself to accomplish them⁣

⁣What are some of the core pieces of your infrastructure—practices that help you engage in life and relationships from a better place?⁣

⁣What are some of your warning signs that you need to tend your infrastructure?⁣