Cultivating Sanctuary

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022 | Curate

I have been super focused on house projects over the last few weeks, which is both fun and mentally demanding because the many small choices begin to pile on until I hit the point of decision fatigue. ⁣ ⁣That’s when I take a break and a deep breath.

I take a moment to remember not just how do I want this space to function but how do I want it to make me, my family, my guests (when we can have them again) feel. Getting in touch with those feelings renews my energy for the project because then it’s not just about getting the task done. The larger why makes it easier for me to make the tough choices of what to include in a space and what to re-home or let go of completely.⁣ ⁣

One way of describing this process is with the verb “curate.” I’m aware that curate has been over used in recent years and can have a negative connotation—as in people curate what others will see on social media and so give a false or limited view of what life is really like. But I believe the idea has value and can be helpful whether we are designing a space or determining what we will say yes and no to in our lives.⁣ ⁣

In museum spaces, curating is really about what is the story you want to tell and how are you going to tell it. In our spaces, it’s really about what do you want people to feel and experience in that space and how are you going to set it up to make that possible. In our lives, it is about imagining the story—even the values—that you want your life to tell with authenticity and carefully, thoughtfully choosing what (or who) to include or not include to make living that story with integrity possible. ⁣ ⁣ Cultivating Sanctuary is all about intentional choices that serve a larger purpose. ⁣ ⁣

What aspect of your life or your space could use some curating to help you cultivate sanctuary in your home, yourself, your relationships or in the world?⁣ ⁣

What is one small action you could take today to begin that process?⁣